God is always blessing! Every breath we take is a blessing from Him. We take so many things for granted, as though we deserve each one. When we open our eyes and see the display of a beautiful starry sky, or when we smell the fresh spring rain steaming from the pavement on a warm spring day, or see the vibrant hues of a rainbow spreading across the sky. These are but a few of the many blessings we sometimes never give thought or consideration. We can’t help but recognize that truly God is the Rewarder, the Blessor of those who diligently pursue HIM.

Seeking God is a requisite for those who want to go deeper into Him. Many of God’s richest blessings emanate  from Him. His richest blessings must be actively sought. He is the Richest Blessing one can every gain. Since He loves to reveal Himself to us in new and wondrous ways, a heart seeking and pursuing after God opens up the one who is seeking (you and I) to that which God is ready to disclose.  He said, “Ask and it shall be given.” He wants us to ask, because we ask for those things we truly desire. He said, “Seek and you shall find.” He wants us to seek because we only search or pursue those things which are truly meaningful to us. He said, “Knock and the door will be open.” A knock signals a desire to enter with Him. God’s immense treasures and blessings await those who will search for Him as Hidden Treasure! Commit to going deeper, ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Matt. 7:7




Hello Clay Jar, Does the greeting appropriately address you?

How do you know?

Know This! You are God’s clay jar designed to be filled with Heavenly contents.

Many Christians understand the spiritual concept of being an earthen vessel filled with this precious treasure, but what most fail to accept and understand realistically is, you are also a leaky container, yes,  absolutely a leaky clay jar needing to be filled and refilled, over and over again. What good is a leaky container?  What do you do with your leaky containers? Have you found them to be useful? Maybe you get rid of them and throw them out with the trash, or place them on a discarded item shelf.

Why would God design you to be a leaky container? This week your leak may become a spill, and you need to know…

God has a plan to keep you filled. Lingering in the Presence of God, talking things over with Him wherever you are in your day,  enjoying the privilege of communing with the Creator of the universe, waiting with Him in prayerful worship allowing His very life to flow into you, and in His presence He chooses to fill YOU, His clay jar with His heavenly treasures even though you are at best, a leaky jar.

God designed you to be leaky because it keeps you looking to Him, depending on Him, communicating with Him. Your human condition, your frailty is necessary to demonstration that this all surpassing Power is from God NOT YOU! In His Presence He fills you with more Love, more Joy, more Peace, more Hope in full-measure, over-flowing-measure, through-you, into-others.  Ask Him today to fill you with His Love, Power and Peace.

Share this blog with a friend and let the Treasure-Light of Christ shine from you to a friend, and a friend’s friend into the uttermost parts of the world. Post a comment and bless the cyber-world for the Kingdom of God with your Treasure-Light! Let your Light, your treasures shine brightly today, into the lives of others.

II Cor. 4:7- “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”